Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

My hair is black, and a few inches past shoulder length.

I'm going to a hair salon and getting my hair cut to shoulder length or a bit shorter, and my side fringe [bangs] trimmed as it's grown out.

I'd like to add some colour too.

I want something bright, that'll contrast with my black hair.

I'm not dyeing my whole head of hair, i'm either going to get highlights, the underneath of my hair dyed, or a chunk of colour, but i haven't decided.

I'd like some suggestions as to what colour i could use and where it'd be positioned.

Pictures would be appreciated.

Thanks for your time.


Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

I agree electric blue would look stunning with black as would ruby red.

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

electric blue would be cool with black. small highlights and random

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

I think deep red or caramel color would accent the black very well.

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

do you watch hollyoaks? what about bits of colour in random places like nancy's hair (i dont know how daring you are)

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

I agree with the blue. You have to be careful though, some colors wash out easily.

Talk to your stylist.

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

i would have to say go with something in the red catagory. my aunt jsut got it done and it looks amazing. i definately would go with red

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

I think red would be compatible and bright. But please keep in mind .. your skin tone , such as cool warm and neutral. This will make a HUGE difference in what your color will look like.And highlights are best around the layers around your face. And you will want to have a consultation a few minuets before your stylist's starts coloring for her/ his suggestions before coloring. I hope this helps!

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

blue,,,,:))....or green hair colour is black to, and i love it :X

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

I like the high lights idea with some blond, golden, light brown, would look good Personally I don't like the chucks

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

Dark blue or red streaks would look really cool.

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

The underneath and tips of your hair would be awesome bright purple or teal green, so you'd get just enough colour contrast with black.

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

I suggest getting highlights in like a caramel colour, or a reddish colour. When I got my highlights i put four on each side, one in the back, and one going thru my side bangs. It looks awesome : )

hope this helps : )


Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?


Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

two tone red random highlights would do it for me unless you want the punk look as brighter colours are bound to contrast as the punk look with black hair

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

Try honey blonde. Or deep red. Or something deep purple. Trust me, it looks amazing with black hair.

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

ooooo, sounds good. whatever colour you choose though, the hair will need to be pre lightened with bleach to get the most bold and vibrant effect. the more natural options would be a copper or caramel colour which can be achieved with bleach alone, however, in my experience (used to be a hairdresser) the colours that turn the most heads are red and blue. just simple fine, scattered highlights through the to or a few chunky ones all through will look amazing and if you have a bit of texture added to your bob (long layers) then it will show off the colour throughout x

good luck and dont forget to report back with the final verdict XD

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

i think that hot pink and purple go great with black hair!!!!!

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

bright green or violet on the underside?

that'd look ace (imo)

if you're talking about natural sort of colours,you could do it a bit like this:

it's more blonde than black in that picture but it's pretty cute.

if you want bright colours you'll prolly have to have your hair bleached.

if you aren't sure you could always get one of those wash in-wash out colours and try them.that way you can see which colours look better on you.


Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

im thinking of dying my hair too. i was thinking of either dying the underneath blonde, dying the tips of my hair so it looks like i dipped it in paint or something, or dying the tips of my side fringe. hope this helps!

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

Try pink, its not too wild (it depends on the shade , though) Don't worry you won't look like a barbie doll, its pretty cool.. My best friend did it last week...

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

from the sounds of it i think your hair would look good with this exact style: (first one)

Hair colour ideas please [read inside]...?

purple would look so cool and you'd stand out from the should get same layers then some purple highlights just under the crown of the head.

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