Saturday, July 25, 2009

Any ideas for Curly HAIR?

i have curly tangaly hair does anyone have any good ideas im open to any idea

Any ideas for Curly HAIR?

Oh, I feel your pain. My hair is so curly, and I live in the south where the humidity is NOT a friend. Do grow it longer. Curly hair shrinks when it dries. Also, don't use a blow dryer any more than you have to because it damages your hair and causes your curls to frizz. A gentle shampoo and a good conditioner can't be beat. Ask a beautician who has experience with curls to recommend products. I bought a book called "Curly Girl" that has done wonders for my hair. Good luck!

Any ideas for Curly HAIR?

um if u dont like it that much u could straiten also curly hair looks better long

Any ideas for Curly HAIR?

go to the store and get some of that detangler that the black folks use for their kids. You will know it when you see it, well it says it on the bottle to. But in wal-mart they have a black beauty aisle and it should be there. Good luck I know how you feel.

Any ideas for Curly HAIR?

blow dry it straight, that's what I do with mine :)

Any ideas for Curly HAIR?


I thought nobody had the same problem...

it depends how curly your hair is uuhhmmm....

wash you hair and then when you get out of the shower drench it in hair detangler the best you can find...and then comb through it and put in some leave it conditioner....and that should help you!


glad to help.


Any ideas for Curly HAIR?

I have curly hair, too. You must use a good conditioner. You should also try using all the products Pantene Pro-v provides for curly hair.

Any ideas for Curly HAIR?

Pulling off short curly hair is often very hard and curly hair usually looks better long so you might want to lay off the haircuts if you have short hair. The best thing to do with curly hair is this, as i have discovered from years of dealing with curly hair:

1) Use a shampoo and conditioner that is for curly hair like Marc Anthony's Strictly Curly line.

2) Use a wide-toothed comb to GENTLY comb through your hair ONLY when you have applied conditioner. Be careful to be very gentle or you could get split ends.

3) After you come out of the shower, comb your hair again until it is pretty much tangle free. Also, comb a defrizz serum or detangling serum through your hair.

4) Use mousse or a hair scrunging gel to shape your curls. I personally comb mousse through my hair as well but you decide whether you want to do that.

5) Let airdry. Avoid using a bow-dryer too much because it can cause frizziness.

Good Luck

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